Welcome to 2024! Check out this message. Let's get to work Church and follow Christ!
Overcoming the old nature by putting on the new man with the word of God.
Fear cannot dictate what we do! Allow the Spirit of God (Holy Spirit) to lead and guide you. Minister Charlie encourages us to depend on the power of God that resides in us. Continue to study God's word so you can defeat the spirit of fear!
Man should always pray. Minister Charlie teaches on the importance of prayer and how to execute it with the Word of God. He takes us back to the beginning in Genesis. There is a prayer challenge for you to take. In order to pray the word, we must study the word. God hastens to perform his Word. (Jeremiah 1:12)
Man should always pray. Minister Charlie continues to teach on prayer. He reminds of us the power of the Holy Spirit and the reason we must have it. We must ask petition the Lord for what we need. Be sure to do the prayer challenge and write out your prayers.
We are continuing to work on prayer in part 3 of this series. Minister Charlie walks us through the model prayer in Matthew chapter 6, giving us examples of different types of prayers to reverence and petition God. May the Lord continue to bless you.
Prayer is essential! Watch as Minister Charlie preaches about prayer and fasting. God's ear is inclined as we call on him. Continue to search the scriptures and pray without ceasing. May the Lord continue to bless you.
Here at One Word Ministry, we are continuing to prayer. God's house shall be a house of prayer. Minister Charlie teaches on the dynamis (power, ability) of the Holy Spirit. Watch, take note, search the scriptures, and continue to pray.
In the body of Christ, we need watchmen an watchwomen! The porters (seers) and doorkeepers must be vigilant. Listen, as Minister Charlie reminds us to not only watch but to also pray. Continue to search the scriptures, watch, learn, pray, and be a witness for Christ.
In order to grow, we must remain humble and teachable.
Greetings! Are you truly operating in faith? Minister Charlie shares a message that challenges you to move on the very thing you know God has been telling you to do. It is time to put some action with your faith.
Beware! As Minister Charlie shares this word from the Lord, Satan is prepared to steal the word that has been planted. Allow God's word to take root on good ground so you won't be easily distracted by Satan's devices. God's word works!
When we speak of living Holy, we have to change some things. It means living according to God's word and not conforming to the world. Minister Charlie challenges us to strive to live holy; confess and repent if we fall short. May the Lord Continue to Bless You.
Watch as these Young Lions of One Word Ministry share a word from the Lord and their testimony. May you be blessed by their obedience in trusting God.
Watch as Minister Charlie preaches how doing things in your own might weigh you down. Discover how to humble yourself and cast your cares upon the Lord for he cares for you.
Pride must die. We cannot give life to Pride. Minister Charlie preaches about pursuing Christ with all cost and dying to self, so that God can be glorified. Die Pride, die! (Romans 8:13)
Brother Isaiah, a Young Lion of One Word Ministry shares an encouraging word. Philippians 2:5-11
Why die before your time? Minister shares a message from the Lord on how your poor choices can cause you to die prematurely, so while you are on this side, it is important to choose LIFE! Live LIFE in Christ!
Do you know what it means to be a faithful servant of God? Your life has purpose and as believers of God, we have work to do. It is written in the Bible His word. Minister Charlie expounds on what it means to be a faithful servant of God,
Do you know what it means to be a faithful servant of God? Your life has purpose and as believers of God, we have work to do. It is written in the Bible His word. Minister Charlie begins a series on being a faithful servant of God that requires us to dig deeper.
It is time to grow up in the things of Christ. Minister Charlie points out many Biblical truths that are in the will of God. May this word encourage and challenge you to come higher in your daily walk as a believer of Christ.
May these messages encourage you as you are challenged to grow up in the love of Christ.
Do You Love and Fear God?
As Believers, we must be reminded to Be of Good Cheer (Courage) as we go through life.
May this message from Pastor Charlie bless you and call you to Rise and come higher in the things of God. ~ November 20, 2022
My True Family 11.30.22
It is our prayer that this message on faith will encourage you in the Lord. This is an Early Edition Devotional from Minister Charlie, Faith in God will Propel You to the Other Side.
If God blesses you to live to see next year, 2023, let us be more grateful, forgiving, and humble than the previous year! May this message inspire and challenge you to be more obedient and active for Christ than the previous year!
Sermon 5: Acknowledge the Lord in All Thy Ways (Genesis 16 and Proverbs 3:5-6).